Sunday, April 22, 2007


The tabloids are going after Larry Birkhead

Anna Nicole Smith's ex-boyfriend Larry Birkhead has hired top attorney Marty Singer to fight his defamation battles for him. Birkhead, who was named the biological father of Smith's baby daughter Dannielynn, is bracing himself for a slew of tabloid stories suggesting the photographer is both secretly gay and a womaniser. And he's reportedly hired high-powered lawyer Singer to take care of the libelous stories. claims Singer intends to sue some of the tabloids for defamation of character - on his client's behalf. Birkhead claims the tabloids are out to soil his good name after he sold the first family photos of him with his baby daughter exclusively to Britain's Ok! magazine.

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Monday, April 16, 2007


The Anna Nicole Smith story

Anna Nicole Smiths death may have sold lots of newspapers and magazines, and are what movies are made of, but her personal diaries refused to sell at auction. Her two personal diaries that most would think were worth big bucks, in Texas on Saturday. The journals, written in the early ’90s, initially had at least two bidders before Smith’s former partner, Howard K. Stern claimed they were stolen and should be returned to her estate. "Make no mistake: these items were stolen from Ms. Smith by one or more thieves," attorney, L. Lin Wood, wrote in a letter to Doug Norwine, the director of music and entertainment memorabilia at Heritage Auction Galleries of Dallas on Wednesday, reported. "Ms. Smith's Estate intends to vigorously pursue the return of the diaries, will take whatever means necessary to secure their return, and will hold to account those persons and entities that have profited through their reprehensible acts at the expense of the Estate." "On behalf of the estate, Mr. Stern hereby requests that the diaries be returned to him immediately," the letter added. TMZ also reported that the man claiming to be original owner of the diaries, denied Wood’s claims, saying that "the facts he mentions in the letter are FALSE -- these diaries are NOT stolen, (They were obtained BEFORE her death) -- he is just trying to steal more money in the name of Anna Nicole." The auction house said yesterday the journals, which contain entries about Smith’s weight problems and issues regarding her personal life, are now available for a minimum bid of $25,000 each. “We have a buy-it-now situation,” said Norwine but added the bidders just “got cold feet” following Stern’s public claim. The auction house reportedly got the journals among other items from an anonymous German businessman who purchased the items on eBay for more than $500,000 several weeks ago. The German businessman decided to auction the diaries after securing the publishing rights, Norwine said. The two personal diaries were supposedly written between 1992 and 1994 and provide details regarding Smith’s feelings for her late husband, oil tycoon J. Howard Marshall II. Along with the journals, the auction house also obtained a $16,954.66 receipt from a Bloomingdale's shopping spree in 1992, a signed bank check from Smith and her 1994 Texas photo ID card. "In the absence of a judge stopping this auction, this auction will go forward," Norwine was quoted by CBS as saying. "After the auction we'll determine what happens. We will continue to take the high road.”

Question : If Larry Birkhead is the father and in charge of the estate, how can Howard K. Stern demand them back ?

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Sunday, April 15, 2007


'Rich' Larry Birkhead !

A hearing in a Bahamas court on Friday failed to end a prolonged battle over custody of late Playboy Playmate Anna Nicole Smith's daughter, 7-month-old Dannielynn. Larry Birkhead a Los Angeles photographer and former boyfriend of the billionaire's widow, was identified on Tuesday as the father of the baby, who could one day be worth a fortune if Smith's estate wins a decade-long battle to inherit from her former oil tycoon husband J. Howard Marshall. Friday's hearing over custody of Dannielynn, at which Birkhead had been widely expected to be awarded guardianship based on court-ordered DNA tests, adjourned soon after it got under way. Damien Gomez, an attorney for Smith's long-time companion Howard K. Stern, said the hearing was suspended at the request of lawyers for both Birkhead and Smith's mother Virgie Arthur. Gomez did not elaborate. But John O'Quinn, Arthur's lawyer, told reporters Birkhead and his client had agreed to meet privately on Saturday in an apparent bid to reach an agreement over custody of the child. Without any lawyers present, O'Quinn said the father and grandmother of Dannielynn would try "to figure out what they believe is in the best interest of this child and try to get it done." Whatever plan they come up with would then be submitted for court approval, O'Quinn said.

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Friday, April 13, 2007


Anna Nicole Smith and Ruthless Howard K. Stern

Howard K. Stern, Anna Nicole Smith's attorney and partner, filed a defamation lawsuit Friday against the lawyer for Smith's mother. The suit, filed in federal court in West Palm Beach, Florida, alleges John O'Quinn, attorney for Virgie Arthur, defamed Stern in statements made on television after the actress' death in February. "The lawsuit focuses on Mr. O'Quinn's recent appearances on a number of national television shows in which he has made public accusations of murder and other misconduct against Mr. Stern in connection with the Anna Nicole Smith case," according to a statement released by Stern attorney L. Lin Wood of Atlanta, Georgia. Wood specifically cited a February 21, 2007, interview from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for the Fox News show "On the Record with Greta Van Susteren." "As stated in the complaint filed today, Mr. O'Quinn's accusations against Mr. Stern are false and Mr. Stern seeks to hold him accountable through the civil justice system." O'Quinn could not be reached for comment Friday. In the Bahamas on Friday, attorneys in the custody case surrounding Smith's 7-month-old daughter said the judge wants Larry Birkhead -- declared Tuesday to be the child's father -- and Arthur to come up with a plan regarding access to the child. The two were supposed to meet Thursday but did not. The judge told the parties to get together and appear in court next Friday. O'Quinn told CNN's "Larry King Live" earlier this week that Arthur would not seek any sort of guardianship for baby Dannielynn after Birkhead's paternity was revealed. After the custody hearing, Stern said Birkhead has been visiting Dannielynn at Stern's home, where she has been staying since Smith's death. "At least informally, the transition period has already begun," Stern said. "Larry spent the majority of the last days over at the house getting to know Dannielynn. He's been changing diapers, he's been feeding her, he's been playing with her, and if you ask me, he's been doing a great job." Stern, who is listed as the girl's father on her birth certificate, initially was battling Birkhead in court over paternity until DNA results proved the child was fathered by Birkhead. A hearing regarding the formal transfer of custody is scheduled for next Friday. "If it were up to me, the formal order in terms of giving Larry full custody would have occurred today, but unfortunately it didn't," Stern said.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Dannielynn Birkhead

While photographer Larry Birkhead was officially pronounced the biological father of Anna Nicole Smith's baby Dannielynn, he might face subsequent legal battles over her custody. However, Anna's late partner Howard K. Stern has made clear he will not challenge Birkhead and he's "going to do whatever [he] can to make sure that he (Larry) gets sole custody." TMZ reported that Birkhead took Stern up on his offer to "spend as much time with [Dannielynn] as he wants to right now," logging several quality father-daughter hours at Stern's Bahamian home on Tuesday night.This leaves only Anna's estranged mother Virgie Arthur as the only possible challenger of Birkhead's rightful custody. However, he's not willing to compromise, and she stands slim chances of winning.Virgie Arthur, Smith’s estranged mother, who wanted to bury her in Texas, after Smith suddenly passed away on February 8, filed paperwork last week asking to be named the child's guardian."All I care about and all I ever cared about is the safety and well-being of my little granddaughter, Dannielynn," Arthur said. "I look forward to working with Larry raising my granddaughter and doing what is very best for her.""I'm happy that Dannielynn will know who her real father is," she said."Essentially, he's the biological father," the court’s DNA expert, Dr. Michael Baird, confirmed."I hate to be the one who told you this, but: I told you so. I'm the father," People magazine quoted Birkhead as saying as he emerged from the courthouse, adding that "My baby is finally coming home. The test was 99.99999…positive.""I think Anna Nicole would have been proud that I fought it," he continued. "Thank you for your support. Thank you for the people who got me this far," he said. "Thank you very much. My baby's gonna be coming home pretty soon," he added.Legal custody was not yet set as it was not the hearing's focus, but another hearing on the baby's custody is already set for Friday."We might go from one fight to another, but I'm hoping that's not the case because, you know, there's only one dad, and I have no problem with anyone that has good intentions being allowed to visit the baby and see the baby and be a part of the baby's life," he told the Today show Wednesday."[Sharing custody] would imply that I'm unfit as a parent, which I'm not," Birkhead said. "I'm looking forward to giving Dannielynn everything that she needs and all the love and support."He has already set up his boast-worthy nursery in his Burbank townhouse. "She's got lots of toys and a nursery ready for her and she's got everything that she's gonna need," he said on the morning show. "All I have to do is just give her the love and that's just what I'm ready and prepared to do."Now we'll have to wait Friday's hearing, hoping this will be settled once and for all and the media can finally move on to dissecting other people's lives.

The Anna Nicole Smith drama has only begun !

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Larry Birkhead outside Bahama court

Anna Nicole Smith’s former boyfriend Larry Birkhead said Tuesday that DNA tests have proven he is the father of her infant daughter. Birkhead emerged from a closed court hearing to announce the results, “I told you so!” Smith’s companion, Howard K. Stern, has been caring for the girl, Dannielynn, who could inherit a fortune in the wake of her mother’s February death. After the hearing, Stern said he would not fight for custody.An expert in genetic evidence said the DNA analysis has proven Birkhead is Dannielynn’s father. Dr. Michael Baird, who analyzed the results of a March 21 DNA test, announced the results outside the court. “Essentially, he’s the biological father,” Baird said. A jubilant Birkhead said “My baby’s going to be coming home pretty soon.” The baby, whose full name is Dannielynn Hope Marshall Stern, could inherit millions from the estate of Smith’s late husband, J. Howard Marshall II. The former model had been fighting the Texas oil tycoon’s family over his estimated $500 million fortune since his death in 1995.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Anna Nicole Smith Really Left A Mess

The father of Anna Nicole Smith's daughter will be revealed soon. A DNA test to determine five-month-old Dannielynn's father was ordered bythe Bahamas Supreme Court yesterday. Anna Nicole's former lover photographer Larry Birkhead, who claims he is Dannielynn's father, was overjoyed by the ruling. Birkhead, who pumped his fists in the air and jumped up and down as he emerged from court, said: "I feel great. It was a great day in court for me. Bahamian people, thank you so much!"Asked if he thought he would see Dannielynn soon, he smiled and winked. Anna Nicole's lover and lawyer Howard K. Stern - who is listed as Dannielynn's father on her birth certificate - was left devastated by the judge's decision. He said: "I'm doing the best I can."Stern, who is currently caring for Dannielynn, was ordered not to leave the Bahamas with her before the custody ruling. Frederic von Anhalt, the husband of legendary Hollywood beauty Zsa Zsa Gabor, also claims he could be Dannielynn's father. Dannielynn has been at the centre of a paternity battle since her mother collapsed in a Florida hotel room and died aged just 39 last month. She could inherit millions from the estate of Anna Nicole's late husband, oil tycoon J. Howard Marshall. Anna Nicole had been fighting his family for his estimated $500 million fortune since he died in 1995.

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Sunday, March 18, 2007


Debra Opri With Former Client Larry Birkhead

Photographer Larry Birkhead and his attorney have parted company as the latest battle in the snapper's paternity battle over Anna Nicole Smith's child gets underway in the Bahamas. Lawyer Debra Opri has issued a statement this morning, confirming the split, saying, "Larry Birkhead and I have terminated our attorney-client relationship effective immediately." Opri has since spoken to news show "Extra" as part of an interview that aired the other day. She reveals she felt she had to part company with her former client because she didn't agree with Birkhead's apparent friendship with his paternity battle rival Howard K. Stern. Opri tells the TV show, "I just had enough. I can't represent a client who has a middle man by the name of Howard K. Stern. I feel very comfortable in my decision, and I wish Larry the best. But I am worried about him... I couldn't continue with the way things were going." Reports have suggested Birkhead and Stern are close to coming to a financial settlement about the future of the baby both claim is theirs. A Bahamian attorney will represent Birkhead as he fights for custody of baby Dannielynn today in the Bahamas. The photographer has been demanding a DNA test on the baby since late last year after insisting he's the Dannielynn's biological father. Stern, Anna Nicole's longtime companion and lawyer, maintains he's the father, as stated on the baby's birth certificate.
You are making a big mistake Larry Birkhead. Debra Opri is a friend of mine, and she is the best. You are being taken by Howard K. Stern the master of taking people to the cleaners. You will be very sorry. You are not as innocent as we all thought.

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Thursday, March 15, 2007


Larry Birkhead With Anna Nicole Smith

A Los Angeles judge denied a motion by Smith’s former boyfriend asking that Smith’s partner would be forced to immediately give a sample of his DNA for the ongoing paternity case. reported that photographer Larry Birkhead , the late model’s former boyfriend, one of the men who claim to be Smith’s baby’s father, asked a judge to make Howard K. Stern come to California and submit to DNA testing to determine exactly who Dannielynn Stern's father really is. After the hearing, Birkhead’s attorney, Debra Opri said she was confident that Stern, who is listed as the baby’s father in her birth certificate, would be made to come to California. "Put up or shut up, that's what we're asking for," Opri said. She also said Stern "can't hide behind a fake birth certificate" and that his "feet will be held to the fire." However, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Robert A. Schnider denied Birkhead’s motion, but left the possibility that he could change his mind later this month, open. He asked instead that both sides would present their arguments during the next hearing which will take place in Los Angeles on March 28. Associated Press reported that Ron Rale, a lawyer who had represented Smith argued against the DNA request, saying Stern's name is already on the birth certificate as the father. "Howard Stern doesn't have to go to Larry Birkhead for anything," Rale said. Birkhead, for his part, said, "I'm just doing what I have to do for my daughter," and that for him, holding Dannielynn for the first time in the Bahamas "was like being in the delivery room." Birkhead said he has made no agreement with Stern about the child. "My daughter is not for sale," he said. "I've been putting a nursery together so I'm smiling," he told reporters. "I'm in a good mood. "There's one way to end it. I'm prepared to take the test. I've always been prepared to take the test. Ever since Anna Nicole Smith gave birth to Dannielynn Hope Marshall Stern in the Bahamas, three days before her son, Daniel, died, Birkhead claimed he was the father, not Stern who is listed in the birth certificate. Initially, Schnider ruled in Birkhead's favor on December 21. Rale has said the judge wanted the testing done by Feb. 21 but the case was stalled when Anna Nicole Smith died of unknown causes on February 8, in a Florida hotel room.

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Sunday, March 04, 2007


Anna Nicole Smith's Final Resting Place

Former Playboy Playmate Anna Nicole Smith was laid to rest Friday with all the pomp and circumstance of a royal funeral, but litigation surrounding a multi-million-dollar inheritance and the paternity of her baby daughter remain very much alive. The principals waging a three-way custody battle over 5-month-old Dannielynn -- Smith's companion Howard K. Stern, her mother Virgie Arthur and former boyfriend Larry Birkhead -- walked into the white-columned church, and for at least a moment their bickering was put aside for the lavish closed-casket service. Smith was then taken to her final resting place in a mahogany coffin draped in a rhinestone-studded pink blanket as police, smartly dressed in white belted tunics and pith helmets, maintained order. Onlookers, mostly Bahamians, spontaneously broke out into the hymn "When Peace Like a River" as the white hearse carrying the 39-year-old blonde bombshell and the rest of the funeral cortege arrived at Lakeview Memorial Gardens. In a last-minute bid to halt the burial, Arthur sought to have Supreme Court Justice Anita Adams grant her client custody of Smith's body, but the Bahamian judge denied it, according to Lilliemae MacDonald, the justice's secretary. That cleared the way for Smith to be buried next to her 20-year-old son Daniel, who died of apparent drug use in September. When the onlookers saw Arthur arrive at the cemetery, they booed. They cheered when Birkhead stepped out of his limo. The guests disappeared under a green tent that covered the gravesite amid tight security. Smith was being buried in a tiara and custom-made, beaded gown, said organizer Patrik Simpson of Beverly Hills, Calif. "Her soul is at rest now. I am satisfied," said Tanisha Grant, a local restaurant owner who was friends with Smith. For the funeral, Grant wore a short black cocktail dress that Smith had given her a few months ago, telling Grant it no longer fit her. Some tourists were amazed at all the security and media. "She's got a presidential kind of media frenzy going on," said Christie Rathgaber, a 59-year-old nurse from Columbus, Ohio who happened by the Mount Horeb Baptist Church, where services were held. "I'm just incredulous at all the fuss," she added. "She was not a world figure. She was not a queen. She was not a president. She was not anything ... It's just way over the top." Hundreds of islanders and tourists crowded behind steel barricades outside the church. Rock guitarist Slash, formerly of Guns N' Roses, was spotted going inside. "Today we share our grief with all of you," said Richard Milstein, the court-appointed advocate for Dannielynn. "Today we come to you to carry out the final, most sacred, solemn act provided to any individual." There appeared to be fewer than 100 guests overall at the church service, which was closed to all media but Entertainment Tonight. An organizer said about 300 had been invited to the private ceremony.
Now Lets Concentrate How Much Money Howard K. Stern Has Made Off This Death. He Should Be Taken To Court And The Money Should Be For Dannielynn.

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Monday, February 26, 2007


Anna Nicole Smith's mother is battling for custody of her five-month-year granddaughter. Last week, Virgie Arthur lost custody of her daughter's body but now plans to fight the late model's partner Howard K. Stern for custody of Dannielynn. A private hearing will take place in Nassau, in the Bahamas. Arthur and Stern - who is listed as the baby's father on the birth certificate - will also face Larry Birkhead who has failed a paternity claim. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Isaacs has banned Stern from taking Dannielynn away from the Bahamian island until a custody ruling has been made. Isaacs has also placed a gagging order against the attorneys from making anything said in the courtroom public. Last Thursday, custody of Anna Nicole's body was granted to Dannielynn's temporary court-appointed guardian, Richard C. Milstein. Milstein has said the former Playboy playmate should be buried in the Bahamas, next to her son Daniel, who died last September. Arthur had wanted her daughter to be laid to rest near their Texan family home. Despite the court decision being finalised last week, a funeral is still not expected to take place until tomorrow at the earliest, and Anna Nicole's body remains in a Florida morgue. Anna Nicole died on February 8 after being found unconscious in a Florida hotel room.

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Saturday, February 24, 2007


Virgie Arthur Fighting Burial

Probably inspired from the James Brown saga, the Anna Nicole Smith soap opera continues to get more and more sickening. Her body, wanted and used by many men, didn't seem too well even when she was alive, but prospects are much worse now after a much-delayed embalming and, now, burial. Medical examiner Joshua Perper said Smith's body was decomposing faster than expected and should be visible for viewing no later than today, the Miami Herald reported Wednesday. Anna Nicole Smith's estranged mother, Virgie Arthur, filed an emergency request Friday to block her burial in the Bahamas. Her body was previously awarded by Broward County Circuit Judge Larry Seidlin, aka "The Sobbing Judge," to 5-month-old Dannielynn, who is represented by a court-appointed professional guardian.The guardian, attorney Richard Milstein, said that Smith would be buried next to her son, who died in Bahamas last year. However, Milstein gave no time frame."The Broward County medical examiner is ordered to release those remains to Milstein in accordance with Milstein's direction," Judge Seidlin said. "Milstein is directed to consult with Virgie Arthur, Larry Birkhead and Howard K. Stern with respect to disposition of Anna Nicole Smith's remains. But he has final discretion."Seidlin's judicial assistant said the request to block the burial was under review, but the assistant did not know when a ruling would be made, says AP. Attorneys for Virgie Arthur, who instead want Smith buried in Texas, where Arthur lives, are seeking a reversal of Seidlin's decision from the Fourth District Court of Appeal, The Miami Herald reported. The appeals court in West Palm Beach closed at 5 p.m., and Glen Rubin, the Marshal for the court, said no appeal had been filed."We have not received anything," Rubin said to The Miami Herald. Judge Larry Seidlin, a former New York cab driver, was criticized for his apparent unprofessional demeanor during the trial. His wife, Belinda, told ABC that's how Seidlin is -- his emotional outbursts show how much the Smith case affected him. Others say he was just playing along with the Anna Nicole story. "He’s like Judge Judy’s wacky little brother," legal analyst Jefrey Toobin quipped on CNN . The New York Post yesterday called him a "Weepy Wacko," while the Daily News asked, "How Low Can This Judge Go?" and referred to him as "Blubbering Seidlin."Howard K. Stern's attorney, Krista Barth, expressed frustration Friday that Smith's mother waited until the end of the day to file her request. "We could have done this right away. Now it's just delay, delay, delay," she said. What is strange is that Virgie Arthur, Anna Nicole Smith's estranged mother, waited until her daughter's death to "care" for her. However, it doesn't seem a real care, more like an obsession, because it only appears to hamper efforts to finally put Anna to rest. Maybe Arthur feels quilty for not looking after her daughter, maybe before she started off on the wrong tracks which led to her early demise.

Anna Nicole Smith Won't Rest Yet !

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Thursday, February 22, 2007



Daniel Smith And Mother Anna Nicole Smith
Shock In The Courtroom

The judge (left) presiding over the Anna Nicole Smith burial hearing ruled Thursday that Smith's remains should be given to the guardian ad litem representing her infant daughter, Dannielynn. But the judge said he wants Smith buried with her late son Daniel in the Bahamas. "I have suffered for this, I have struggled with this, I have shed tears for your little girl," Broward County Circuit Court Judge (The Nut) Larry Seidlin said to Smith's mother about 15 minutes before he ruled. He said Smith wanted to be buried next to her son Daniel, and that the flame of her beauty was quickly going out. He also urged all the possible fathers of Smith's newborn daughter to get a paternity test. A series of final witnesses were called on Thursday, including the former Playboy Playmate's first husband Billy Smith, the father of Smith's son Daniel, who testified by telephone. Billy Smith, whom Smith married when she was 17, said he wished his son Daniel were buried in Texas, but he didn't have the money to exhume him. Billy Smith added that he wanted Daniel buried next to his mother. Smith's ex-boyfriend Larry Birkhead took the witness stand for the second straight day Thursday in the Florida hearing about who should get custody of Smith's body, testifying more about how he pleaded with Smith to stop her excessive use of prescription medication while she was pregnant.
The hearing recessed Thursday after one attorney almost fainted because of a diabetic reaction to low blood sugar. Birkhead testified that Smith — who was 39 when she died Feb. 8 of as-yet unknown causes — came close to death many times. Birkhead also told the court that Smith's most recent companion, Howard K. Stern, repeatedly interfered in their relationship when the couple's problems mounted in May 2006, ignored Birkhead's concerns about Smith's drug use and harassed Birkhead to deny that he was the father of the baby Smith was carrying. Stern and Birkhead have both claimed paternity of the child, Dannielynn, who is now 5 months old. That matter will be handled by a separate court in California, at least for now. "At times, I took her medicine," Birkhead testified. "I was told by Mr. Stern to give it back to her because she needed it to live. In addition to that, I told her over and over, 'Don't. Something's going to happen to you. Something's going to happen.'" Birkhead's voice broke, and he put his head in his hands. Birkhead, a photographer, also said that after he and Smith went their separate ways, Stern called him repeatedly during jobs he was on to tell him to deny that he was the baby's father, and posted nasty things about him on Smith's Web site. Until then, Birkhead testified he often said "No comment" when asked whether he was the father. "I finally agreed [to deny paternity] just to get him off my back," Birkhead testified. "Then he was saying Anna Nicole wanted me out of her life and said I just wanted my 15 minutes of fame." Birkhead also admitted that he did sell photographs showing Smith and him together to prove they'd been romantically involved. "I told Howard and Anna it wasn't fair for him to be saying that. She said, 'You're not the star. I'm the star,'" said Birkhead. "So I released photos to establish the relationship, and as a result of those photos, I have been compensated and will be compensated."
He said he didn't know off hand how much he was being paid for the pictures, but he said he could get that information to the court. One of Stern's lawyers also showed Birkhead a series of e-mails he allegedly wrote to Smith after their relationship was ending in which he sounded angry and said things like Smith was heading to "the fire pits of Hell." He confirmed that he'd written most of them, but said he didn't remember writing the note that mentioned hell. He confirmed that he'd written most of them, but said he didn't remember writing the note that mentioned hell. For a week, attorneys battling for the remains of have fought with one another, fought off the media and fought for a chance to speak. Now their biggest fight is against the clock. Seidlin had originally set a self-imposed Friday morning deadline to issue a decision in the case, which boiled down to a tug-of-war between Smith's estranged mother, Virgie Arthur, who wanted to bring her daughter's body home to Texas, and her attorney-turned-boyfriend Stern who wanted a burial in the Bahamas. Seidlin said he had no time to waste, since the county's chief medical examiner warned again that a decision needed to be made soon before Smith's body became too decomposed for a public viewing. "I got a gun to my head," Seidlin said Wednesday.
Seidlin indicated at the start of testimony Wednesday that he wanted to reach a compromise agreement, but it was unclear what that might be. A recess was called for lunch Thursday after one of Arthur's attorneys, John O'Quinn, apparently had a brief diabetic episode because of low blood sugar, and participants ran over him in alarm. He was given something to drink and Seidlin called for a lunch break. Asked whether he'd object to releasing Smith's body to her mother, Birkhead said on the stand that he wouldn't. After Birkhead stepped down from the stand, Houston police officer Troy Hollier, a former bodyguard of Smith's, testified as a witness for Stern's case. He said Smith had expressed negative feelings about her home state of Texas. The last time he saw Smith, said Hollier, was right after her 20-year-old son Daniel's funeral in the Bahamas. He said he was talking to her by the swimming pool at her Bahamas residence. "She said, 'Troy, if anything should happen to me, I want to be with Daniel,'" Hollier testified.
He also said he'd never seen Smith use prescription medication or any other drugs and he didn't see her taking pills in the period around Daniel's funeral. Daniel died in September of a lethal drug combination. The judge got angry at Hollier's claims that though he knew Smith well, he'd never seen her use drugs — since everyone else had testified that she had been on medication — and asked that he step down from the witness stand. "Something doesn't add up here," Seidlin said. "I'm not buying it." On Wednesday, Arthur testified that her last conversation with her daughter about her burial came more than 10 years ago, when Smith said she wanted to be interred near her idol Marilyn Monroe, whose body is in a Los Angeles crypt. The admission could hurt the woman's fight to have the former pinup laid to rest in her native Texas. "Wherever the stars are buried, that's where she wanted to be buried," Arthur said. Birkhead testified he had had a similar conversation with his ex-girlfriend in recent years. Even Stern has acknowledged the former Playboy model had hoped to be buried near Monroe, though he said she settled on a Bahamian site after her son died last year and the details of the California plot could not be worked out. O'Quinn said after the hearing Wednesday that he'd simply be happy if Smith wasn't buried in the Bahamas. Asked about California he said: "Better than the Bahamas." Wednesday's hearing stretched past the official close of the courthouse and had no shortage of drama. The testimony was peppered with details of Smith's drug use, her sexual liaisons and alleged deals being pursued to profit from the deaths of the starlet and her son. On the stand, Arthur was hammered with questions about any compensation she has or would receive from news organizations for access to interviews or footage after the deaths of her daughter and grandson. She frequently said no to questions about arrangements with specific media outlets, and sidestepped other questions or claimed she didn't understand them. "Have you in any fashion profited at all from the death of your daughter?" asked Krista Barth, an attorney for Stern. Arthur stared for a moment. "I'm trying to process that question," she said. Then Arthur attempted to deflect the attention, pointing at Stern. "He has," she said. The Florida hearing was just a morsel of the legal battle surrounding Smith. At issue in a California court is who fathered Dannielynn, who could inherit millions of dollars from Smith's estate. Smith married Texas oil tycoon J. Howard Marshall II in 1994 when he was 89 and she was 26 and she had been fighting his family over his estimated $500 million fortune since his death in 1995.

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Anna Nicole Smith's Mother Virgie Arthur

Anna Nicole Smith's estranged mother and her ex-boyfriend both testified that the starlet said she wanted to be buried in California, not the plots in the Bahamas or Texas that have been the focus of the fierce week long legal debate. Virgie Arthur, 55, said her last conversation with her daughter about her burial came more than 10 years ago, when Smith said she wanted to be interred near her idol Marilyn Monroe. Larry Birkhead (Right) testified he had a similar conversation with his ex-girlfriend in recent years, and longtime Smith companion Howard K. Stern has acknowledged the Playboy model had hoped to be buried near Monroe before settling on a Bahamian site. "Wherever the stars are buried," an emotional Arthur said, "that's where she wanted to be buried." Circuit Judge Larry Seidlin indicated earlier Wednesday that he wanted to broker a compromise between Arthur and Stern. "When you walked into the court, you hope to get everything," Seidlin said. "We will try to fashion a remedy where not everyone gets everything they want."The Florida hearing is just one part of the legal battle surrounding Smith. At issue in a California court is who fathered her 5-month-old daughter Dannielynn, who could inherit millions of dollars depending on how Smith's estate is broken up. Stern is listed as the father on the birth certificate, but Birkhead says the girl is his. The day was filled with all the drama spectators in Seidlin's courtroom have come to expect. There was intense discussion on Smith's use of drugs and accusations of profiting off her losses. Arthur was hammered with questions about any compensation she has or would receive from news organizations for access to interviews or footage after the deaths of her daughter and grandson. Since taking the stand Tuesday afternoon, Arthur had answered most questions directly, but when attorneys targeted her alleged profiteering, her demeanor changed. She frequently said no to questions about arrangements with specific media outlets, but also often said she did not understand or sidestepped inquiries altogether. "Have you in any fashion profited at all from the death of your daughter?" asked Krista Barth, an attorney for Stern. Arthur stared for a moment. "I'm trying to process that question," she said. Then Arthur attempted to deflect the attention, pointing at Stern. "He has," she said. It was a refrain Arthur repeated several times as she also sought to create suspicion about a connection between Stern and the unsolved deaths of her daughter and grandson. "I knew she would be next. My grandson did not overdose. Howard was there when he died, and Howard was there when my daughter died. And he has my granddaughter now and it is not even his child. I'm afraid for her life as well," a crying Arthur said. "Please, help us." Stern shook his head. Earlier in Arthur's testimony, he angrily rose from his seat, but Seidlin interrupted him before he could complete a sentence. After a lunchtime break, Arthur acknowledged what she had denied earlier in the day — that she has received some compensation from news organizations. She said the tabloid news agency Splash paid to fly her to the Bahamas when she visited her grandson's grave last month and acknowledged her sister-in-law had sold family video footage. And Arthur acknowledged a Splash representative — who she described as a friend — had even accompanied her to a viewing of Smith's body Wednesday afternoon. Stern was also questioned on the subject. He said he was receiving no money from news organizations, but had accepted a free flight to the Bahamas from Entertainment Tonight." And Birkhead, who is a freelance photographer, said he had made no media deals, though he said he received royalties from photos he took of Smith. Birkhead took the stand late in the day, detailing his relationship with Smith and reiterating his claim that he is her baby's father. The hearing showed no sign of growing less contentious as it wore on into its fifth day. Seidlin was issued yet another warning from Broward County's chief medical examiner, Dr. Joshua Perper, who said little time remains before Smith's body is too decomposed for a public viewing. Seidlin promised a ruling by Friday morning. Smith died Feb. 8 in a Florida hotel, but the cause is still unknown. She was the widow of Texas oil tycoon J. Howard Marshall II. The two married in 1994 when he was 89 and she was 26. She had been fighting his family over his estimated $500 million fortune since his death in 1995.

Anna Nicole Smith's Body Is Decomposing

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Daniel Smith-Anna Nicole Smith-Murder Suspect Howard K. Stern

Anna Nicole Smith was murdered by her lover Howard K. Stern, lawyers claimed. The accusation was made during a Florida court hearing to determine where the former Playboy Playmate will be buried. Stern, Anna Nicole's former lover Larry Birkhead and the late model's mother, Virgie Arthur, attended the hearing which descended into chaos when Stern's lawyer Krista Barth accused Birkhead's attorney Debra Opri (left) of claiming her client had killed Anna Nicole. Barth fumed: "Miss Opri just made a statement to my client that he actually killed Miss Smith. I have to protect him."Judge Larry Seidlin cut dead the accusation, saying the matter of her burial needed to be resolved as Anna Nicole's remains were decomposing faster than expected. After taking a phone call from Joshua Perper, the county's chief medical examiner, Seidlin said: "Time is of the essence. I'm running out of clock."He demanded a clean legal fight from all sides and said he intends to reach a decision by Friday regarding her resting place. The custody battle for the model's body is between Stern - who claims she wanted to be buried in the Bahamas - and Arthur, who wants her daughter to be laid to rest in Texas. Judge Seidlin offered to take over jurisdiction of the on going paternity case between Stern and Birkhead, who both claim to be father to Anna Nicole's five-month-old daughter Dannielynn. He said it would help with the burial issue if he knew who the father was. His offer was declined. Meanwhile, evidence has emerged that Anna Nicole's will - which left everything to her dead son Daniel - was faxed at 2.18am on 03.02.07, six days before she died. It lists a phone number with the initials RAR - believed to be Ron A. Rale, Stern's lawyer.

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Anna Nicole Smith's former bodyguard Alexander Denk claims he could be her daughter Dannielynn's father.Denk claims he had a two-year affair with the late Playboy Playmate , during which Anna Nicole begged him to start a family with her. He told US TV show 'Extra' : "I think it was an instant spark, and I think it was the same for her. She was wonderful, a very sensitive and emotional woman. A very good kisser, I must say."She told me she wanted to have her kids with me. There's always a possibility I could be Dannielynn's father."Denk, who met the model when he was cast as the chef on 'The Anna Nicole Show', revealed the 39-year-old was secretly suffering from life-threatening seizures which could have caused her tragic death. He said: "She told me everything, things no one else knows. I knew she was in trouble when I talked to her two weeks ago. She was sick of being called names. Everyone was bashing her and putting her down and suing her."When asked if he thought drugs were to blame for Anna Nicole's death, he replied: "In my opinion, I don't think so. I think she was exhausted. Poor Anna, I hope she's in peace wherever she is."There are now five possible fathers of five-month-old Dannielynn - Anna Nicole's late husband J. Howard Marshall, her lover and lawyer Howard K. Stern, Zsa Zsa Gabor's husband Prince Frederic von Anhalt and photographer Larry Birkhead. Birkhead, who filed a lawsuit demanding Dannielynn undergo a paternity test, says he begged Anna Nicole to quit drugs when she fell pregnant. He told the New York Daily News newspaper: "I am sorry that I couldn't save them, I tried. I watched over her to make sure she was safe, and I was basically pushed to the side. I had no control over what she or anyone else around her did."A friend of Birkhead's claims he gave the busty blonde an ultimatum to help her get clean.The source said: "He told her, 'If you don't stop your lifestyle, now that you're pregnant with my baby, I will go for custody.' That's when she ran away to the Bahamas."Birkhead says he knew Dannielynn was his at the first ultrasound. He revealed: "The first ultrasound was incredible. It was one of the happiest moments of my life."She made me sing to the unborn baby. I would cook her pancakes and rub her back. Then we would get the ultrasound pictures out and just look at them in amazement."

Anna Nicole Smith With Real Father Larry Birkhead

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Anna Nicole Smith's breast operations may have led to her death.The former Playmate Playboy, who was said to be "very weak and tired"following breast enhancement and repair procedures, was reportedly taking at least ten different kinds of pills to ease the post-surgery pain. It has been suggested the 39-year-old died last week after taking a cocktail of anti-depressants, Valium, pain killers and antibiotics. Some medical experts claim she had the operations too soon after giving birth to her five-month-old daughter Dannielynn.Women's health specialist Dr Sarah Jarvis told Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper: "To take so many different drugs is unhealthy. Some anti-depressants can cause heart problems after surgery. Valium can cause respiratory problems."If an unfit person has surgery and takes drugs, it's possible they would have complications."Anna Nicole was found dying in her room at Hollywood's Seminole Hard Rock and Casino Hotel on Thursday. No large amounts of medication were found in her stomach, but it could take up to five weeks to determine if drugs aided her death. America's Star magazine has reported prescription medication found in Anna Nicole's hotel room included anti depressant Xanax, pain relievers Vicodin and Methadone and the stimulant Provigil. Shortly before her death, she was reportedly complaining of nausea, headaches and flu-like symptoms.Photographs allegedly revealing the inside of Anna Nicole's fridge were released by celebrity gossip website the other day. The contents apparently include methadone, hypodermic phials and slimming drinks. However, it has been claimed the photographs were staged.Pictures of Anna Nicole lying fully clothed in bed and embracing Bahamian Immigration Minister Shane Gibson have also emerged. Anna Nicole fled to the Bahamas last year and was granted residency status, before giving birth. It was claimed Gibson fast tracked Anna Nicole's residency, meaning Dannielynn was a Bahamian citizen and could escape the paternity battle in the US. Photographer Larry Birkhead filed a lawsuit claiming he fathered Dannielynn during a two-year affair. However, Howard K Stern - Anna Nicole's lawyer and lover - is named as Dannielynn's father on her birth certificate.The paternity battle was thrown into further controversy when Anna Nicole's sister, Donna Hogan, claimed her sibling's dead husband, billionaire J.Howard Marshall could be the father. Hogan says Anna Nicole froze the 89-year-old's sperm and may have used it to get pregnant.Whoever is ruled to be Dannielynn's father will take control of Anna Nicole's estate and the $480 million she could inherit from Marshall.

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Sunday, February 11, 2007


Chance brought us together, our love couldn't keep us apart. We loved, we laughed, we shared a connection that couldn't be broken, regardless of the challenges. I loved her in life and I will love her long after.Our daughter, Dannielynn is a constant reminder of the love we shared and the life that we desired.My heart is broken, my tears are endless. She called me her "angel," I called her my "sweet potato," and every night before we went to sleep, she made me say to her...........

Larry Birkhead And Anna Nicole Smith

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